
Feature film


O projektu “Fatima“ je projekat koji je nastao na osnovu ideje i scenarija režisera i scenariste Mirsada Ademovića i donosi nam priču o sudbini dvoje mladih glavnih junaka i njihovoj ljubavi u vremenu kada su doručak i večera bili privilegija rijetkih, a lijeska i sušena oguljevina od jabuka i […]

The Power of Greed

Storyline This documentary tells the story of the Bosnian officials and their work exposing corruption and public money fraud following films projects competition from 2016 until 2020. The film is an intimate day-to-day portrayal of several film workers who fights for artistic value and money transparency freedom in Bosnia […]

Dunia’s Veil

Storyline The story is about two people divided by age and faith, but together in their love for each other. It all starts with Edvin getting into a serious relationship with Dunia, with whom he plans to start a family. But when Dunia’s family, which has strong conservative and […]